Certified to de-manufacture, recycle, 以对hga皇冠注册负责的方式翻新各种电子设备, 今天,ERI有能力在其八个hga皇冠注册地点每年处理超过10亿磅的电子废物, serving every zip code in the United States.

But how did we get here?

Founded in 2002, ERI独特的“绿色DNA”和网络安全重点的融合使我们能够保护上述皇冠hg888注册, people, and the environment completely with respect to data security, data privacy, 与IT和电子资产处置相关的hga皇冠注册问题.

尽管在美国有成千上万的公司在做电子产品的回收, ERI recycles an estimated 5% of all e-waste recycled in the United States -- through the largest, most efficient shredding system in North America.

Unlike competitors focused more on sales than compliance, ERI拥有一支强大的合规和监管事务团队,其规模大于我们的销售专业团队. We continue to be focused on growth, but at ERI, 我们知道增加我们业务的最好方法是有效和负责任地保护您的业务.

ERI致力于为我们的客户、员工和hga皇冠注册提供保障. 事实上,我们是世界上第一家获得NAID AAA、R2和e- stewardhga皇冠注册的公司. 对你来说,这意味着我们在数据销毁方面获得了最高级别的hga皇冠注册, sanitization and environmentally responsible recycling. 这也意味着我们要接受第三方和客户的定期和不事先通知的审核,我们的8个工厂每年总共要接受60多次审核,平均每周一次! 我们不只是说我们是合规的,我们始终如一地以任何竞争对手无法比拟的水平证明这一点.

Key Facts


ERI is the largest 美国完全集成的IT和电子资产处置提供商.

Why It Matters

全国覆盖和财政保障意味着不会因破产而中断hga皇冠注册, closures, 而偷工减料的压力会导致数据安全的hga皇冠注册问题.


We have the smallest downstream footprint of any competitor.

Why It Matters



We are the first (and only) provider in the industry that holds NAID, e-Stewards, and R2 certifications at the highest levels of compliance.

Why It Matters

R2和e- steward是可持续IT资产处置的独立hga皇冠注册和第三方hga皇冠注册的基准,这两个hga皇冠注册都解决了数据安全问题. 这两个标准都要求数据销毁,并建议遵循NIST 800-88指南.

这些标准侧重于负责任、适当和可持续地处理hga皇冠注册危害. 正如IAITAM IT资产数据库所指出的:“e - steward比R2提供了更多的深度, 然而,当涉及到解决数据隐私问题时,两者都不如AAA NAIDhga皇冠注册那么强大."


We have the most 创新电子加工技术、技术和hga皇冠注册交付方法. Examples include:

  • First self-contained flat panel shredder system
  • Unique CRT glass separation and processing
  • Enhanced commodity separation technology
  • Patented electronics collection bins
  • User-friendly USB local data wipe solution
  • 广泛的邮件回收包计划的电池,灯,和电子产品
  • 强大的可配置和可扩展的跟踪和报告门户,包括移动跟踪

Why It Matters

ERI's core business is IT and electronics asset disposition. 我们不是一家拥有不同优先级的大公司的“附属物”或“附加价值”, or a one facility operation that can't afford to innovate. 创新推动了我们的发展,提高了效率,通过改进hga皇冠注册交付和扩大选择来满足客户的独特需求,从而使客户受益.

ERI Differentiators

Prospective clients often ask us what our competitive advantages are. As the leader in IT and electronics asset disposition, and with the most comprehensive service offerings in the industry, 在任何重要类别中进行比较时,我们都站在所有竞争对手之上.

这个比较表可以帮助潜在客户寻找供应商或考虑改变他们目前的关系,作为一个快速的能力和差异化清单, 同时也提供了在寻找其他hga皇冠注册提供商时需要考虑的问题.

Characteristics & Capabilities Competitors ERI
内部处理大量电子和IT资产(数千万英镑)的能力,从数据清理到商品分离? No Yes
内部能力处理所有视频显示设备,包括crt和平板? No Yes
Capability to process all types of IT and electronic assets in-house; such as electronic toys, ATMs, data center equipment, POS devices, etc. Unlikely Yes
Comprehensive Tracking and Reporting Portal? Maybe Yes
Revenue-sharing, including parts harvesting resale? Unlikely Yes
Guaranteed compliance with all existing applicable federal, state, local and NGO requirements for IT and electronic asset disposition? Unlikely Yes
能够高度安全的数据和设备销毁,包括非军事化? Unlikely Yes
Electronics mail-in recycling box program? Maybe Yes
User-friendly local data destruction? No Yes
对发展中国家的非工作电子产品零出口政策? Maybe Yes
Zero landfill policy for electronics? Maybe Yes
20多名员工致力于合规,以确保上述所有交付? No Yes